How to Upgrade to Be a Better Agent

The industry’s gatekeepers are acting agents and managers. An actor’s success or failure can greatly depend on their representation. While talent and hard work can go a long distance, acting agents and managers are the best way to get auditions and open doors. This is our guide to moving or upgrading to a better agent.

Are you looking to change agents?

Let’s first determine why you want to change agencies…

Having a close relationship with your agent is not a good idea.

It is common for my friends to feel uncomfortable speaking with their managers or agents. They often avoid the conversation as much as they can. They feel they are treading on thin ice and spend hours crafting professional emails. Sometimes, that awkward relationship and strange power dynamic can be completely unfounded. In such cases, you might consider moving agencies. Before you move forward, I urge you to get in touch with me and give it a final shot. To discuss your career, you can ask for a meeting or call. However, I advise you to not go in empty-handed. You can re-edit your showreel and get new headshots. Sign up for weekly classes. Whatever it is, you should bring something to the meeting. Your agent should know that you are working hard for your career. This is what all actors SHOULD do.

After establishing contact, you may feel more comfortable contacting them every other week. It would be best if you did not let your agent know that you are interested in talking to them. They should support you. It might be time for you to move on if they avoid your calls and don’t respond.

There are no auditions.

First, many actors do not get auditions. My friends get three to four auditions per year, on average. It isn’t very pleasant! It’s so frustrating! Is it that your agent is not sending you jobs or slacking? This problem can be solved by simply asking your agent to send all jobs that they have submitted to you in the last 12 months. This can be very informative. Next, arrange a meeting and discuss why you may not be able to audition. You might want to contact other agencies if they refuse to send you a submission form or it is very thin.

I am not a lawyer, but most agents I know are dedicated to their actors. Getting actors in auditions for major film, television and theatre productions can be difficult. Don’t blame your agent too quickly!

Your agent may be doing work for you.

Are you working for an agent? It’s not a one-way street.

As I mentioned, ask for a submission document and go through all of the roles that you have submitted. If they have submitted you for multiple roles, you can ensure they are doing the work for your benefit. Maybe it is you who needs to be there. New headshots, showreel shots, and signing up for classes are all things I have mentioned. These are great ways to boost your acting career. You can also get more casting room opportunities by attending Casting Directors’ workshops. Casting workshops can be expensive, but it’s worth a few. This will allow you to meet the casting director, and if you do a good job, they’ll likely bring you in.

You audition frequently but aren’t satisfied with your current job and would like to make a career change.

The industry isn’t exactly like that. It’s not your agent’s fault if you are often auditioning but not booking jobs. It won’t solve the problem by upgrading to a news agency. While you may get more auditions than you need, it won’t mean you will book more jobs, especially if your work isn’t done well. Keep your current position and work on getting some jobs. You can also make your work.

You are being held hostage to money and information, which could jeopardize your career.

This is a huge NO. It’s a big NO! If your agent isn’t paying you for work you did six months ago, you should call your local actor’s Union, get your money and head out. A bad agent is one reason to quit.

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